Osho on Ma Sheela

Question – Beloved Master, Is it true that power-oriented people were needed to create this commune? Is it also true that meditative and loving people cannot create such beautiful and rich communes? Please comment.

Osho – Power-oriented people can create much, but their creation is basically criminal. And sooner or later, it is going to fall apart. Meditative people, loving people, can create higher things, better things. And whatever they create is never in the service of death and destruction. Whatever they create is basically godliness. Whatever they create remains forever; it is eternal.

Adolf Hitler used to say that the regime that he is creating is going to last for one thousand years. I want you to know, what we are creating is going to last forever. Love is immortal. Love knows no death. Meditation leads you within yourself to eternity.

So don’t think that I had put Sheela and her group to create the commune. They turned out to be power-oriented. Perhaps any one of you would have turned out to be the same. You all carry the same desire to be somebody special.

What has happened was bound to happen. It is a tremendously good experience that it happened so soon, just in four years. And now we have learned a lesson and we will not allow it to happen again.

The whole fault was mine, that I was silent. I had my reasons to be silent. I wanted to be silent forever, because words don’t convey… it is not real communion that happens through words. I wanted to communicate through silence.

So my reason was there to be silent, but I cannot say that it was not my fault. I knew that something like that is possible, but I also knew that I can start speaking any moment when I see that things have come to a peak and they have to be stopped.

And no harm has happened to you. In fact, you have become more mature through the experience. It will make you more responsible, less dependent on authorities, more responsible on your own towards the whole commune.

We will turn this fascist nightmare we have passed through, into something beautiful. It is always in our hands to change things.
I have started changing the same nightmare into a beautiful experience that will help you along the way, and you will not fall in the same hole again. Sheela has done a great service to you, and you should feel gratitude to her and her gang.

Source – from Osho Book “From Bondage to Freedom”

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