Osho on Sexual Dreams

Question – Osho, i always dream of sex and sex and sex — why?
– Ram Das, ARE YOU A FOLLOWER of Morarji Desai? Something is basically wrong with you. Your dreams simply show that you are living a repressed life. Your dreams reflect how you are living your life. Your dreams are not just dreams — they are reflections.

In the waking time you must be repressing sex; then, naturally, it is bound to assert itself in your dreams. Dreams only indicate that you are doing something wrong with your life. When your life is really harmonious, lived consciously, dreams disappear — all kinds of dreams disappear. Your whole sleep becomes dreamless. That is the indication that the transformation is happening — that happens to every meditator. As meditation goes deeper, dreams start disappearing.

But dreams show something about you. And you have to rethink, you have to rearrange your life. If you are dreaming only of sex, that simply shows you are sex-obsessed. And who is sex-obsessed? Whoever represses is bound to be obsessed by it. Your dreams cannot just be rejected as dreams — as people do. They think they are just dreams, nothing to be worried about. Your dreams are symbolic. Your unconscious is trying to convey a certain message to you, that you are doing something wrong.

Ram Das, sex is part of life. You cannot deny it — you can transcend it, but you cannot deny it. If you deny it, you will create unnecessary complexities — it will become an obsession. And it will create perversions in your life. Morarji Desai drinks his own urine — not for no reason. It is a perversion. It is rooted in sexual repression. Sexual repression can take many kinds of perverted forms.

Trying to fall asleep, a Greek shepherd is counting sheep: “One, two, three, four, five, hello darling…”
Antonio: “Last night I had a night-a mare
Angelo: “What-a happened?”
Antonio: “I dreamt-a I was eating a-spaghetti
Angelo: “Why is that so bad?”
Antonio: “I woke up and a-the string on a-my pyjamas was a-gone.”

Now Italians go on and on with spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti. Dreams will reflect, dreams are reflections. If sex is reflected in your dreams, reconsider your life. Drop all the old nonsense. You must be a typical Indian, Ram Das. That’s what goes on in the Indian mind continuously. Even your saints are full of obsessive sex, because all ways to transcend sex have been denied them.

You will be surprised to know that all kinds of sexual perversions were invented by monks and nuns. And these are the people who condemn. But psychologists say that homosexuality was invented by the monks and the nuns — homosexuality is a religious phenomenon. And so are other things…

If you repress something, nature is going to take revenge on you And remember, you cannot fight with nature. You can Will nature, not by fighting with it but by being with it. You can persuade nature to be with you and help you. And nature is very compassionate. But once you start fighting, you are bound to lose. Nature is vast and you are very tiny. It is like a wave fighting with the ocean, a small leaf fighting with the whole tree — it is stupid! The wave can win, but not against the ocean — with the ocean.

And that’s my basic teaching. Sex can be transcended and should be transcended, but transcendence has to be not against nature but with nature, Through nature. Accept your sexuality — it is part of you! and a tremendously important part. You are born out of sex. Each cell of your body is a sex cell. Sex energy is your life energy! — respect it, it is a gift from God. Understand it. Be more and more meditative about it. But drop all prejudices, drop all condemnations. because when you carry a condemnation you cannot understand a thing. Drop all judgements. Sex is sex — it is a pure natural energy. With great acceptance, love, respect, meditate over it. Go deeper and deeper into it to see what exactly it is. And in that very seeing you will be going beyond it.

The day one has known what sex energy really is, one has transcended. Sex disappears, but it disappears not by denying. But by understanding. And the disappearance is not really the destruction of the energy but a transformation. In existence nothing is ever destroyed, things are only transformed. It is sex when it is transformed that becomes love. And it is love when it is transformed that becomes prayer. And it is prayer in its ultimate transformation that becomes God.

Source – Osho Book “The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty”

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