Osho on Inner Grace

Osho – Beauty is of the outer and grace is of the inner; hence the grace is the real beauty. What we call beauty is superficial. And unless a man is full of grace his beauty is only skin-deep, or maybe not even that. Scratch him a little and his ugliness comes out. He is just painted on the outside, but inside he is boiling with all kinds of scorpions and snakes and monkeys and dogs and cats. Inside he is still in the jungle. There is no peace, no silence, no joy, no grace.

Grace means to feel in harmony with existence, to be in tune with existence. When you feel the tuning ego disappears. Ego is ugly. When there is no ego and you are one with the whole there is grace, and so much that it starts overflowing you. If there is inner grace, even an ugly body looks beautiful. And if there is no grace inside, even a beautiful body does not look beautiful.

Grace is of the spirit, and only that which is of the spirit is abiding. Only that which is of the spirit is real treasure. It cannot be taken away, it cannot be destroyed. Fire cannot burn it; even death cannot destroy it.

A sannyasin has to be full of grace. I am not against physical beauty; it is good as far as it goes, but it does not go far enough. It is beautiful to have a beautiful form but it is nothing compared to the inner beauty, to having a beautiful being. And one can have both, there is no conflict.

In fact it is easier to have both together than to have one. Whenever the inner happens, the outer follows, but not vice versa: the outer may be there, the inner is not necessarily going to follow. The inner has to be created through great effort, through meditation, through awareness, through love.

Source – Osho Book “Fingers Pointing to the Moon”