Beloved Osho, Why is it so hard for me to surrender to a man?
Question – Beloved Osho, Why is it so hard for me to surrender to a man? Osho – Then don’t surrender. Why unnecessarily create trouble for yourself? Who is telling…
Talks on Zen, Sufism, Upanishads, Tantra, Yoga, Sex, Love, Meditation, Career
Question – Beloved Osho, Why is it so hard for me to surrender to a man? Osho – Then don’t surrender. Why unnecessarily create trouble for yourself? Who is telling…
Question – Beloved Osho, you said the other day that if you were a cab-driver nobody would be able to recognize you. I don’t agree. At lease I for one…
Osho – The word MAYA has to be understood. In English there is no equivalent word: ‘illusion’ is not right. In the east we call real that which is eternal,…
Osho – To be asleep means to live a life in which awareness has no place. You are doing something, but your mind is somewhere else. You are walking along…
Osho – How can we say anything about God? For He has no beginning, no end, nor any limit. The only thing we can possibly do is to be silent…
Osho – No matter how many scriptures you read, you cannot establish contact thereby with religion. No temple or mosque or church can connect you with religion. Slumbering, insensitive you…
Osho – All obstructions are within you and not outside of you. Obstacles are there because of your insensibility and they cannot simply be removed. The only way is to…
Osho – Remembrance is a beautiful word. It corresponds with Buddha’s right mindfulness. Whatever you do, do it mindfully. Be mindful when you talk, when you walk, even when the…
Question – You have been explaining many meditation methods to us. However, Isn’t it true that no method can be all that powerful unless one is initiated into it? Osho…
Osho – Gurdjieff used to create situations in which he would force anger upon you, or hatred, or any other mood, and that was a created phenomenon. You would not…
Osho – The human body is a mysterious mechanism. Its working is two-dimensional. In order to go to the outside, your consciousness goes through the senses to meet the world,…
Question – Enlighten us about a few practical points for the opening and development of the Heart Center. Osho – The first point: try to be headless. Visualize yourself as…
Question – Buddha inspired a large number of persons to become sannyasins – sannyasins who would beg for their meals and live away from society, business and politics. Buddha himself…
Osho – The basic thing to be understood about these centers is this: whenever you are centered within, the moment you are centered, whatsoever may be the center, you fall…
Osho – Jean Paul Sartre wrote an autobiography. He has called it WORDS. The name is very meaningful. It is the autobiography of every man – words and words and…
Osho – If you can be loving in a single moment that is enough, because you never have two moments together. Only one moment is given. When one is lost,…
Osho – The idea of ”the work” has been imposed on you for centuries, that you are here for a certain ”work” to do. Naturally, people wanted you not to…
Osho – It is one of the deep-rooted habits of the mind always to divide things. The moment you divide things you are in trouble – and mind wants you…
Osho – The universe is not unintelligent. You are not living in a cosmos which has no intelligence. It is pure intelligence that the existence is made of. Call it…
Osho – The path back home is certainly a razor’s edge. As you come closer and closer to yourself, the path goes on becoming narrower and narrower. At the very…
Osho – Truth is the most obvious and the most simple thing in existence. This has created tremendous difficulty – the mind is not interested in the obvious. The mind…
Question – Beloved Osho, You are at once such an incredible strength and sweetness seeping through me. Why do i feel there is a need to protect you? Osho –…