swami rajneesh on silence – Just seeking the silence space within
swami rajneesh: “Silence A deep stillness And innocence open heart Is the taste of the mystic Just seeking the silence space within Understanding its naturalness and ease Its such a…
Talks on Zen, Sufism, Upanishads, Tantra, Yoga, Sex, Love, Meditation, Career
swami rajneesh: “Silence A deep stillness And innocence open heart Is the taste of the mystic Just seeking the silence space within Understanding its naturalness and ease Its such a…
swami rajneesh: This innocence state of silence Deep stillness Such an innocence state The whole search Is how to arrive to this state of nomind Where everything becomes silent And…
Question – my greed for money, to have money and to see that i am able to make money, what does it mean? Osho – It simply means that you…
Osho – You are many, you are a crowd. The master is one, he is not a crowd. You are not one, you are many selves. So one moment you…
Question – Is not man the purpose of all evolution? Osho – Evolution has no purpose. The very idea of purpose is mediocre; it comes from the marketplace. Existence is…
Osho – This is freedom: to be free from all narrowness. If you are a Hindu, you cannot be free, you are very narrow. You are in a tunnel called…
Question – you spoke of the three ways: beauty, grandeur and power. which is your way? or is it all three? Osho – It is neither. I have no way,…
Question – Why are you so much against logic? Osho – Because it is logical to be against logic. Logic proves nothing, that’s why I am against logic. It only…
Osho – Asanas, pranayama — there are so many methods through which energies can be made to flow inward. When they flow inward they become one, because at the center…
Osho – Silence has been praised down the ages as one of the most important factors for inner transformation; but silence alone is neither enough nor beneficial. Silence alone can…
My sannyasin represents togetherness of action and meditation He is in the world and yet not of it. He is like a lotus flower coming out of dirty mud, but…
Watch a dead person — every person looks beautiful, silent. Not that he died in silence, not that he died beautifully — rarely does a person die beautifully. Ninety-nine percent…
http://oshorajneesh.com/o.htm site shares osho free books, osho songs, osho meditation music, osho books searchable database also known as silver platter, osho photos, osho arts and osho drawings
announcing a new celebration “ with the blessings of our beloved master osho “ OSHO COCOM osho co-owned commune we have acquired 45 acres forest land with river in south…
Osho – The man of serenity is not disturbed by anything because he accepts. Sadness comes, he accepts it. Joy comes, he accepts it. He has no preference, he has…
Question – What is Prayer? Osho – Prayer is wonder, reverence. Prayer is receptivity for the miracle that surrounds you. Prayer is surrender to the beauty, to the grandeur to…
Question – Osho what to do with the feeling of helplessness at the frustration in finding that nothing is ultimately satisfying — all is not enough? Osho – Deva Alla,…
Question – Osho, What is Important? Osho – Sambodh, IT DEPENDS ON YOU. If you ask me, to me it is all the same. You can say that everything is…
Question – Beloved Master, What does Enlightenment feel Like? Osho – Prem Geetam, enlightenment is not a thought nor a feeling. In fact, enlightenment is not an experience at all.…