Osho – To be in the Mind, to be identified with the mind, is Unawareness
Question – Beloved Master, What is Unawareness? Osho – Dinkar, to be in the mind, to be identified with the mind, is unawareness. To think that “I am the mind,”…
Talks on Zen, Sufism, Upanishads, Tantra, Yoga, Sex, Love, Meditation, Career
Question – Beloved Master, What is Unawareness? Osho – Dinkar, to be in the mind, to be identified with the mind, is unawareness. To think that “I am the mind,”…
Question – Beloved Osho, Why is India so Poor? Osho – The so-called saints are responsible. Down the ages, India has lived with a wrong philosophy — a philosophy that…
Osho – My whole effort here is to dissolve all categories and to declare the uniqueness of the individual. Never compare me with anybody else. I am simply myself. Good,…
Question – Beloved Master, Are you against the Women’s Liberation movement? Osho – Shakti, I am not against women, I am all for them. But the liberation movement is something…
Question – Beloved Osho, What is the essence of Patience? Osho – Patience has been exploited by people. There has been poverty for centuries and people have been told just…
Question – Beloved Osho, What is Religion? What is your opinion on Organized Religion? Osho – Anand Maitreya, religion is the highest flight of human consciousness — it is the…
Question – Who is a Baul? Please tell us the definition. Osho – IT should have been asked in the beginning; now this is going to be last. But in…
Osho - Creativity is secondary, meditation is basic and fundamental; everything should come out of your meditation. Then it will give you a beatitude, your being a new song, and…
The commune of my vision will have a five-dimensional education. Before I enter into those five dimensions, a few things have to be noted. One: there should not be any…
Question – Beloved Osho, What is your Idea of a Model Commune? Osho – Maneesha, mankind is at a crossroads. It cannot live the way it has lived up to…
Homosexuality is neither harmful nor beneficial. Heterosexuality is very beneficial
Remember, creativity has nothing to do with any particular work. Creativity has something to do with the quality of your consciousness. Whatsoever you do can become creative. Whatsoever you do…
Question – Osho, Why Do I go on Forgetting myself? Osho – Gyan Deva, IT IS an ancient habit; for many, many lives you have practised it. You have put…
Question – Come On, Osho, Be a Sport and Tell us that juicy Joke! Osho – Okay, Maneesha! ONE day, while studying the alphabet, the teacher looked at her second…
First become alone. First start enjoying yourself. First love yourself. First become so authentically happy that if nobody comes it doesn't matter; you are full, overflowing. If nobody knocks at…
Question – What about Rajiv Gandhi? Osho – Even Rajiv is a non-politician. And the situation was ripe, because for forty years India has seen what the politicians have done.…
Question – What do you think of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his views on transcendental meditation? Osho – Transcendental meditation is neither transcendental nor meditation. But still what he is…
Question – Beloved Master, Is there such a thing as personal power which is different from power over others? What is the relationship between power and responsibility? Osho – They…
Question – Beloved Master, J. Krishnamurti does not want an organization — still his secretary, Raj Gopal, betrayed him and took possession of his finances and his archives. You approve…
Osho – A few more indications about the inner state of a jivanamukta, the one liberated while living. The jivanamukta is one who has known death while still living. As…
Osho – When the inner sky becomes one with the outer sky, when the inner emptiness merges with the outer emptiness, everything becomes desireless and actionless. Desires cannot arise without…
Question : What’s wrong with the Men? Osho : Man has been running the whole society for thousands of years, and he has proved absolutely impotent to run the society…