Osho Quotes on Active Meditations

Osho Quotes on Active Meditations

  1. Catharsis helps. If you cathart, if you go through chaotic meditations, you throw all these clouds outside, all these darknesses outside, then mindfulness becomes easier. That is my reason why I emphasize first chaotic meditations and then silent meditations. First active meditations, then passive meditations. You can move into passivity only when all that is there like junk has been thrown out. Anger has been thrown out, greed has been thrown out… layer upon layer, these thins are there. But once you have thrown them out, you can easily slip in. There is nothing to hinder.
  2. Sannyasins should use the time of night more and more for meditation. You can go deeper, and easily, because the winds are blowing that way; you can move with the winds with less effort. In the day you are moving against the winds. In the day active meditations are good; dynamic meditation is good in the day, dancing meditation is good in the day. But in the night vipassana, silent meditations, just sitting and doing nothing, just relaxing because the whole atmosphere is relaxing…. The sun has gone down, the trees have fallen asleep; it is a totally different quality of energy that surrounds you in the night. It is easy to meditate.
  3. Never force it to do something which is not naturally coming to it. Just move very naturally and spontaneously. You will see periods… there is a period when sometimes you will feel very very active; then do the active meditations, dance and sing. Sometimes you will feel very very passive: then just sit silently.
  4. My meditations can be of tremendous value to such people, because just telling them to sit silently won’t help. They need something very active that can bring them up from their morose state. They need something very dynamic, like a whirlwind, so that they can be pulled up from their dark holes in which they have settled. They need something wild. Civilised things won’t help much, because in fact it is civilisation that has put them in their dark holes. So civilised measures are of no use at all.

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