Osho Buddha Hall Meditation in Last Days

Osho Buddha Hall Meditation in Last Days
To make it clear,

Just watch. You are the witness, you are not the body, you are not the mind, you are only a witness – just a mirror.

This witnessing is the point of departure, the point from where transformation begins.

Drink deeply from the source. Get soaked, drenched, so that when you come back you bring buddha in your heart, in your breathing. You have to live the buddha twenty-four hours.
The evening was beautiful in itself. But the presence of so many buddhas has made it tremendously beautiful.

Gather as much gold as possible. Soon, Nivedano will be calling you back. Bring it all with you: the fragrance, the silence, the blissfulness.

In this moment, there are not ten thousand buddhas but only one buddha nature, one ocean where you all have dissolved.

Come back, but slowly, gracefully.
Bring the buddha with you. Don’t forget.
Sit down like buddha for a few moments. And remember the space you have been in, the path that you followed, and the same path you have come back on.

Remember it. You will have to go again and again on the same path to drink from the sources of eternal life.

Okay, Maneesha?
Yes, Osho.
Can we celebrate the gathering of the buddhas?
Yes, Osho.

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