Osho on Energy

Osho – Gurdjieff used to create situations in which he would force anger upon you, or hatred, or any other mood, and that was a created phenomenon. You would not be aware of what is going to happen. Gurdjieff is sitting with his disciples, and as you enter you are not aware of what is going to happen, but they are ready to create anger in you. They will behave in such a way… Someone will say something, and the whole group will behave so insultingly that you will become furious. Suddenly anger will come up; you are aflame. And when Gurdjieff has seen that now a point has come from where you can either go deep down or you can go out, when the peak has come within you and you are just going to explode, then he will say, ”Close your eyes. Now be aware of your anger and go back.”

Only then would you realize that the situation was a created one. No one was interested in insulting you – that was just a drama, a psychodrama – but the anger has arisen. And even if you come to know that it was simply a drama, the energy cannot suddenly go down, it will take time. Now you can move down with the falling energy to the source. This energy will just help you to go down to where it has come from; you can connect now with the original source. And this is one of the most successful methods of meditation.

Create any mood… but there is no need because the whole day moods are there. Use any mood to meditate. Then you have forgotten the other completely, and you are not suppressing anything. You are just moving down with some energy which has come up. Every energy comes from the source, so right now the path is warm and you can use that path to go back. And the moment you reach to the original source, the energy will subside into the original source. It is not suppression: the energy has gone back to the original source. And when you become capable of reuniting your energy with
your original source, you have become the master of your body, your mind, your energy. You have become the master. Now you will not dissipate your energy.

Once you can know how the energy falls back with you to the center, there is no need of any suppression and there is no need of any expression. Right now you are not angry. I say something – you become angry. From where is this energy coming? A moment before you were not angry, but the energy was in you. If this energy can fall back again to the source, you will again be the same as you were a moment before.

Remember this: energy is neither anger nor love nor hate. Energy is simply energy – neutral. The same energy becomes anger; the same energy becomes sex; the same energy becomes love; the same energy becomes hate. These are all forms of the same energy. You give the form, your mind gives the form, and the energy moves into it.

So remember, if you love deeply you will not have much energy to be angry. If you do not love at all, then you will have much energy to be angry, and you will go on finding situations in which to be angry. If your energy is expressed through sex, you will be less violent. If your energy is not expressed through sex, you will be more violent. That is why militaries will never allow sexual relationships for the soldiers. If it is allowed, the militaries will become absolutely impotent to fight.

That is why, whenever civilization comes to a peak, it cannot fight. So always, more cultured and more civilized societies are overrun and defeated by lesser civilizations – always, because a more developed society cares about its individuals’ every need, and sex is included. So when a society is really established, affluent, everybody’s sexual need is fulfilled – but when the sexual need is fulfilled you cannot fight. You can fight very easily if the sexual need is not fulfilled. So if you want a world of peace, more freedom for sex will be needed. If you want a world of warring, fighting, then deny sex, suppress sex, create anti-sex attitudes.

This is a very paradoxical thing: the so-called saints and sages go on talking about peace, and they go on talking against sex also. They go on creating an anti-sex atmosphere, and at the same time they go on saying that the world needs peace, not war. This is absurd. Hippies are more correct; their slogan is right: ”Make love, do not make war.” That is right. If you can make love more, really you cannot make war. That is why the so-called sannyasins who have suppressed sex will always be violent, angry about nothing: just angry, just violent, bubbling, waiting to explode. Their whole energy is unexpressed.

Unless the energy falls down to the source, no BRAHMACHARYA, no real celibacy is possible. You can suppress sex – then it will become violence. If the sex energy moves down to the center, you will be just like a child.

The child has more sex energy than you, but it is still in the source; it has not moved to the body yet. It will move. When the body will be ready and the glands will be ready and the body will be mature, the energy will move. Why does a child look so innocent? The energy is at the source; it has not moved. Again the same thing happens when someone becomes enlightened. The whole energy moves to the source, and the person becomes childlike. That is what Jesus means when he says, ”Only those who are like children will be able to enter into my kingdom of God.”

What does it mean? Scientifically it means your whole energy has moved back to the source. If you express, it has moved out. And when it is expressed, you are creating a habit for the energy to move out, to leak out. If you suppress, then the energy has not moved to the source and it has not moved out: it is suspended. And a suspended energy is a burden.

That is why, if you really express anger, you feel relief. If you go through sex, you feel relief. If you destroy something, your hate is released and you feel relief. Why is this relief felt? Because suspended energy is burdensome, heavy. Your mind is cloudy with it. You have to throw it out or allow it to move back to the original source; these are the only two things.

If it goes back to the source, it becomes formless. In the source, energy is formless. For example, electricity is formless. When it moves into a fan, it takes one kind of form. When it moves into a bulb, it takes a different form. You can use it in a thousand ways – the energy is the same. The form is given by the mechanism through which it moves.

Anger is a mechanism, sex is a mechanism, love is a mechanism, hate is a mechanism. When energy moves into the channel of hate, it becomes hate. If the same energy moves into love, it becomes love. And when it moves into the source, it is formless energy – pure energy. It is neither hate nor love nor anger nor sex, simply energy. Then it is innocent, because formlessness is absolute innocence. That is why Buddha looks so innocent, childlike. The energy has moved to
the source.

Source – Osho Book “Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1″

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