Osho on Sufi Mystic Kabir Sayings

Osho : ALL methods are methods, all means are means. And if you want to reach the end you will have to drop all means and all methods. That is the only way to enter into the ultimate. The lover will have to forget all about love, and the meditator will have to forget all about meditation.

Yes, there comes a moment when the meditator does not meditate, because he has become meditation himself; now meditation is not a separate activity. And there comes a moment when the lover does not love, because he is love himself. There is nobody else separate from love, love has become his being – he has forgotten all about it.

A great Indian Sufi, Kabir, says:
“Since the day when I met with my Lord,
there has been no end to the sport of our love…
I see with eyes open and smile,
and behold his beauty everywhere.
I utter his name, and whatever I see,
it reminds me of him; whatever I do,
it becomes his worship…

Wherever I go, I move round him,
all I achieve is his service:
when I lie down, I lie prostrate
at his feet…

Whether I rise or sit down, I can
never forget him; for the rhythm
of his music beats in my ears.”

Slowly slowly, gradually, ALL that you do becomes your prayer, your worship. All that you are becomes your meditation.

Kabir says:
“I see with eyes open and smile,
and behold his beauty everywhere.
I utter his name, and whatever I see,
it reminds me of him; whatever I do,
it becomes his worship…
Wherever I go, I move round him,
all I achieve is his service.”

Each act of the devotee or the meditator becomes suffused with his meditation or love. Slowly slowly, there is no doer left. Just as trees are blooming unselfconsciously, the meditator is in meditation unselfconsciously and the lover is in love unselfconsciously.

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