Osho on Narada Bhakti Sutras

OshoNarada’s BHAKTI SUTRAS. Narada is just the opposite of Badrayana, and I love to put opposites together. I would like to put Narada and Badrayana into the same room and enjoy whatsoever happens between them. Narada always carried an ektara, a musical instrument with only one string — ek means one, and tara means string.

Narada always carried his ektara, playing on it, singing and dancing. Badrayana would not have tolerated it at all. I can tolerate all kinds of people. Badrayana would have shouted and screamed at Narada. Narada was not the kind of person who would have listened to Badrayana; he would have continued to play, singing even more loudly to irritate Badrayana. I would have enjoyed seeing them both together in the same room. That’s why the second book I choose is Narada’s BHAKTI SUTRAS.

His sutras begin with “athato bhakti jigyasa — now the inquiry into love….” To inquire into love is the greatest exploration, the greatest inquiry. Everything else falls short, even atomic energy. You can be a scientist even of the caliber of Albert Einstein, but you don’t know what real inquiry is unless you love. And not only love, but love plus awareness… then it becomes inquiry into love, the most difficult task in the world.

Let me repeat, it is the most difficult task in the world — love with awareness. People fall in love; people become unconscious in love. Their love is only biological, it is gravitation. They are pulled down towards the earth. But Narada is talking about a totally different love: love as meditation, as awareness. Or in scientific terms, love as levitation, against gravity. Leave gravitation for the graves; levitate, arise! And when one starts rising to love, flying towards the stars, that is athato bhakti jigyasa.

Why do you all look so worried? I love the devils — let them work, let them create as much noise as they can. As far as I am concerned they cannot disturb me, and as far as you are concerned you are already disturbed, what more can they do? So everything is perfectly okay, it is as it should be.

I have loved Narada’s book tremendously. I have talked about it, but not in English, because English is not my language, and moreover it is too scientific, mathematical, modern. I have spoken of Narada in Hindi, my mother tongue, in which I can sing more easily. It is closer to my heart.

One of my professors used to say, “You cannot love in a foreign language, and you cannot fight either.” When it comes to fighting one wants to speak the language of the heart. When it comes to love it is the same, only more so because it needs more depth.

When I speak in English I am bound to speak it wrongly, because it is a double work. I am still speaking in Hindi and then translating it into English. A hard task. Speaking directly into English has not happened to me, thank God! Remember, God does not exist; he is only created so that we can thank someone. I hope somebody will translate what I have said about Narada.

I have spoken on many things in Hindi which I have not spoken on in English out of necessity, because it was not possible. And vice versa too: I have spoken in English about many things which were not possible to speak on in Hindi. My work has been a little strange. When all my books are translated from Hindi to English, and from English to Hindi, you will be even more bewildered than you are, more puzzled than you are — and I will have a good laugh.

Whether I am in the body or not, it does not matter; I will have a good laugh, I promise it, wherever I am! I am bound to be somewhere in the cosmos. Seeing you puzzled, bewildered, shaking your heads, not being able to believe, because I have spoken in both these languages in different dimensions…. I only chose to speak in English because there is a dimension which cannot be expressed in Hindi.R


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