Osho on Revolution and Rebellion

Osho : ALL REVOLUTIONS have failed. And when I’say all`, I mean all. The very concept of revolution proved absolutely futile, a mirage. Revolution means a rebellion organized. But you cannot organize a rebellion — that’s impossible — because in the very organization, the rebellion dies.

Organization is against rebellion; so all revolutions fail because they try to succeed. To be successful they have to be organized. The moment they are organized they become another establishment. They may be anti-establishment but still, they have their own establishment. They cannot be non-establishment — that is impossible. Organize a revolution and you have killed it. An organized revolution is aborted already.

Rebellion is unorganized, rebellion is individual. It comes out of the authenticity of a single being; it comes out of the authenticity of a single being’s heart. Revolution is political, rebellion is religious. Revolution means a social phenomenon; rebellion is meditative. This has to be understood, this distinction. It is very significant. And if you miss it, you will miss the very meaning of the life of Jesus, because he is a rebel — he is not a revolutionary. Neither is Buddha a revolutionary, nor Lao Tzu. Manu is revolutionary, Marx is revolutionary, Mao is revolutionary, but not Jesus, not Krishna, not Buddha. They are rebels.

A revolution is a planning. A revolution thinks of the future; a rebellion is herenow. Revolution is utopian — a dream, somewhere in the future, the golden age, the utopia, the paradise. Rebellion is to live it here and now. To be rebellious means to be transformed totally.

In revolution, and in the ideology of revolution, you try to change the others, you try to change the scene. In rebellion, you change yourself and the scene changes by itself, of its own accord, because your vision is different. You have different eyes to look with.

Rebellion is spontaneous. It has nothing to do with any ideology. Rebellion is non-ideological. Rebellion is like love; you don’t think about it; you cannot think about it. Either you live it or you don’t live it; either it is there or it is not there. Rebellion is a happening. If you are ready, you start living a totally different life: the life of authenticity, the life of innerness, the life of God, or whatsoever you would like to call it.

Jesus is a rebel, but even his followers misunderstood him — they thought he was a revolutionary; they organized. Then Christ disappeared, and Christianity was left behind. Christianity is the corpse, the corpse of Christ.

Christianity is again the same establishment against whom Jesus was rebellious. Christianity belongs to the same priests who crucified Jesus. Now the temple has moved. It is not in Jerusalem, it is in the Vatican; but it is the same temple. The money-changers have changed, but the money-changing is the same. The establishment is now owned by other people, by other names, in other names, but the establishment is the same. If Jesus comes back, and goes to the Vatican, he will again do the same thing. He was a rebel. A rebel simply lives out of his spontaneity; he has no idea what it should be. He acts out of his understanding; he responds to a situation, and something starts happening.

Source – Osho Book “Come Follow To You, Vol 3″

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