swami rajneesh on meditation

swami rajneesh:

you meditate everyday in a one nice room
ahaa…you yourself and the room
everything is perfect
nobody is there to disturb to you
and you are connecting to your master osho

but here we are…moving…travelling…
learn to connect to him in the bus…
connect to him on the road…on the street…in the rain
learn to meditate in different different spaces
it is a great learning…

like today we did kundalini near the waterfall
unbalanced on the uneven ground
what a great opportunity !
it can never be the same in a hall
the conditions are not perfect
but it is perfect
because you are there experimenting a new space
people say not to meditate everywhere
meditate in special places

i say meditate on the roads…on the streets
under a tree…on top of a pyramid…anywhere

source: swami rajneesh ebook “dissOLVE in to LOVE”

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