
Osho – God is not the creator, not a separate entity. God is the very creativity, the very life. So if you are against life, you are against God. Gurdjieff is reported to have said somewhere a very paradoxical but very true statement. He has said that the so-called religions are all against God because they are against life. But authentic religiousness is always for life, never against it.

If you move deeper in the dance, you will reach the dancer. The dance is just the form. If you move deeper in the dance you will reach to the very heart of the dancer. And if you move deeply into life, you will reach to the life-originating principle: God.
God is creativity. Or, if you allow me to say it, I would like to say that God is the very existence itself. God is life Jesus has said, “God is love.”

That was one of the reasons he was crucified — because he called God ‘love. Love is condemned, it is a sin, and he called God ‘love’. He must have looked very rebellious, he must have seemed to be too much in favor of the life on earth. The old Jewish mind, the old religious mind, couldn’t tolerate it. This is sacrilege! Jesus talking about God in terms of love? God is beyond life and love! You must leave everything: life, love, everything. Only then can you find him. And this man Jesus — he brings God down to earth and he talks in terms of love.

Really, God is life, God is love. God is this very world. Don’t create a division, don’t create a dualism. Only then can you revere life. Whenever you see life anywhere — a seed sprouting, a tree flowering, stars moving, a river flowing, a child laughing — remember God is near you. When a child laughs, look at the laughter. Enter into it. You have entered the very temple. When the river flows, watch lovingly. Be one with its flow; be in a deep reverence.

Hindus have called all rivers goddesses; they have called all hills deities. They have made the earth holy. It is one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened in human consciousness.

Hindus call the Ganges: Mother. This is reverence for life. Hills they call gods. This is reverence for life. They worship trees. Those who have become intellectually sophisticated think they are stupid, superstitious people, but they are not. The tree is not the thing. When they are worshipping a tree or a river, they are worshipping life.

A tree is more alive than any temple, than any church; a river is more alive than any mosque. The stone idols in your temples are dead; a tree is more alive. You may be superstitious, but the person who is worshipping a tree is not. He may not be aware of what he is doing, but a deep reverence for life in all its forms is there, a deep respect.

And, celebrate. Wherever you feel that life is growing, celebrate it, love it, welcome it, and a great transformation will happen to you If life is revered in all its forms, you become more alive. You become more receptive to life, and life begins to flow abundantly in you; it overflows in you. That is what bliss is: life over flowing.

But you are more interested in death and less interested in life. More interested in destruction, in hate; more interested in wars than in love, in life. It makes you dead and dull. Before you are really dead, you are dead. When death really occurs to you, you are already dead. Whatsoever you revere you will become. If you revere life, you will become life and more life. If you revere death, you will become death and more death.

Source – Osho Book “The New Alchemy: To Turn You On”

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