Osho on Spiritual Master

Question – What makes some one a Guru, A Spiritual Master?

Osho – When you are not there, when you have completely disappeared, the other becomes an open book to you. The more other-oriented you are, the less you can know what is happening to the other. The more you become self-oriented, the more possibility there is of knowing what is happening within someone else.

A moment comes when you are completely dissolved. Then you know the other totally. Then the other is not the other; he is not something separate from you. You don’t react him; there is no need. There is a response, not a reaction. Only in this way can one become a guru and help others, otherwise not.

To me, a spiritual master needs this capacity of being totally uninvolved, of being totally unrelated – just being an absence: with nothing to impose, nothing to project, no need to react. Then he can help you. He cannot come to any conclusions about you; he just responds to you.

That is what being with a guru means: being with a person who doesn’t react. Just by being near him, you become more and more aware of yourself. If you are really a disciple… And by being a disciple, I mean being open to the presence of the master. You may be sitting before a mirror with closed eyes.

Then the mirror cannot show you anything. The mirror is a mirror because it does not do anything on its own. It is a non-doer; it is only a presence. It cannot do anything positive. The moment you begin to do something positive with someone, you become disturbed. You begin to change your form, you become violent. Even to do good is a violence, a subtle violence.

If I don’t accept you as you are, I have to cut you somewhere: destroy something, change you like a sculpture, break you. Some pieces have to be thrown, something has to be rejected. I will hammer you. It is a violence, a very subtle violence. The violence of good man, the moralist, the religious man.

A real master will not even try to make you good. Only then is he a master. He is mirror-like, just a deep absence. But you cannot be helped by the mirror, by the no one, by the nothingness, if you are closed. You can sit with closed eyes, but then for you there is no mirror at all. By being a disciple I don’t mean being a follower. No. follower, again, is someone violent – violent against himself.

He is in need of someone who can be violent with him. He is a masochist. He wants someone to cut him, to change him, destroy him, transform him. He is a follower. He says, ”Give me a discipline, give me the way. Tell me, order me, and I will obey.” He’s really in search of some slavery.

4 thoughts on “Osho on Spiritual Master – Guru, What makes some one a Guru, A Spiritual Master?”
  1. real master is a master of himself, who will not follow his follower that can lead him behind bars of foreign jail,rejected by all countries to be sattled in because of having super ego aversion and ignorence about others capacity.
    real master never becom others master and will remain his own master as far as spirituality is concerned.
    osho was master of only his kind.

  2. thetre must be relation between words and behaviour of master.
    master means perfactionist of his own art in practice.

    master is not guru who guides his followers. master encourage to becom what u r, osho was greates in this regad.

  3. there must be relation between words and behaviour of master.
    master means perfactionist of his own art in practice.

    master is not guru who guides his followers. master encourage to becom what u r, osho was greates in this regad.

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