Osho on giving Mala with Osho picture

Osho : Another point: the mala with a picture has so many reasons behind it. One, the picture is not mine. Had it been mine, I would have hesitated to put it there. No one would be courageous enough to put his own picture. Everyone will think of putting it there, but no one will put it there. The picture only appears as mine. It is not.

No picture is possible really. The moment one knows himself, one knows something which cannot be depicted, described, framed. I exist as an emptiness which cannot be pictured, which cannot be photographed. That is why I could put the picture there.

Two or three things more are to be understood. The more you know that picture, the more you concentrate on it, the more you come in tune with it – the more you will feel what I am saying.

The more you concentrate on it, the more there will not be any picture. But this is something you will have to do to know. In the evening meditations, concentrate on me for forty minutes without closing your eyelids even for a single moment. Those who concentrate for forty minutes continuously come to know so many times that I am not there.

The place becomes empty and vacant. And unless one knows this, he has not been able to concentrate.

So this picture is given to you for some meditation. The more you will go into meditation, the more you will know that the locket is empty, and once in concentration with this locket you become attuned to me. Only in that moment when there is no picture, when you know that the locket is vacant, that there is no one, when nothingness is there, can you communicate with me. That is also why I have given it to you.

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