swami rajneesh:
This innocence state
of silence
Deep stillness
Such an innocence state
The whole search
Is how to arrive to this state of nomind
Where everything becomes silent
And still
It is perfect moment
Just a simple vertical flow of energy
Going higher and higher and higher
Till it reaches the very peak
And the moment it reaches this peak
Everything stops
Just drink it drink it
Drink it
deeply as possible
Let it fill you completely with its silence
This is your masters silent presence
When you are in this state of nomind
You are at that peak of your very Buddhanature
You are experiencing your vertical totality
And this is your search
The search of nomind
And how to bring this state
And fill your entire interiority
With its silence
Its just such a simple innocence way
Its simply a vertical dance within your being
And a deep settlement
This is transforming your inner states
To higher and higher states
In that moment you are perfect
This is the beauty of transformation
That you are always perfect
Just you need to know
How to reach
With a simple dance
Just gather your whole energy
Collect it together
Slowly slowly raise it higher and higher
Within yourself
And you have reached an open sky
Nothing is holdings you down
And you are free
And the sky is open
And start drinking it
You don’t need to change anything in you
You don’t need to add anything to yourself
The way you are you are perfect
But where is that perfect moment in you
And what does it meant to arrive there
Just a pure innocence
A beauty a celebration and a dance
You don’t need anyone to tell you
How to reach there
Each one is capable to reach
That peak state
Just to drink its silence
That is why masters
Speak on awareness
Vertical state of awareness
Not change
Change is becoming somebody else
Changing yourself for another
Making yourself a better person
Adding something to become better
Subtracting something to reduce
That which is not acceptable to the other
All this adding and subtraction
Removing and labeling
What is wrong in you
And what is right in you
Creates such a inner fight
That whatsoever clarity and stillness
you have Within you
Is simply destroyed with your inner fight
And you become weaker and weaker
And that’s stillness and self acceptance
That was already present in you
Has no energy to climb higher and higher
Please understand
Transformation versus change
Transformation is a vertical movement
Of flow of your inner being
You don’t need anybody from the outside
You don’t need any guru any masters
Any teachers and therapists
All these therapists and teachers
are been telling you
Is what is wrong in you
And what is missing in you
There is nothing missing
Just understand the word
Vertical states of transformation To the state of nomind
Your search is that state
where mind simply disappears