swami rajneesh on armageddon

question: what do you think about the armageddon…the collapse of the world ?
swami rajneesh:
it never happens
unconsciousness and consciousness
there is no armageddon
unconsciousness is armageddon and it already happened
you cannot kill life
forms may change…maybe…
but you cannot be killed
understand what i am saying
even if armageddon…
you cannot be scratched

but there will be no armageddon
love is too strong
the force of life
the whole power of life is too overwhelming
the power of hate…blindness…is just a little darkness…
life struggles for life

we are coming close to a certain point
the time for armageddon…the dark age…
where things are becoming so materialistic
but the whole world is slowly shifting
towards love…compassion and life
the more dangerous it gets
this whole existence starts trembling
and pulling you back slowly slowly to life

life is overwhelmingly powerful
i say it will never happen
but it is good to think it may happen
it makes you a little alert
it is always good to think there is no tomorrow
it is always good to be a little bit alert
so you do not take life for granted
you do not postpone your inner journey

if you knew that you have only six more months to live
after that armageddon
the world will come to an end
what are you going to do ?
you will start quickly meditating…finding the way out…
yes…maybe armageddon might happen
anything that helps you on the way
but i cannot foresee any future of this nature
you can breathe now

source – swami rajneesh book “yo gotta groove in”

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