Osho – I teach you Responsibility, Responsibility makes you feel strong
Osho – Christianity has made you feel responsible for two thousand years, has made you feel guilty, that you are the sinner. Now psychoanalysis goes to the other extreme: it…
Talks on Zen, Sufism, Upanishads, Tantra, Yoga, Sex, Love, Meditation, Career
Osho – Christianity has made you feel responsible for two thousand years, has made you feel guilty, that you are the sinner. Now psychoanalysis goes to the other extreme: it…
Osho – Meditation is a very simple process: all that you need to know is the right button. The Upanishads call it’witnessing’ — the right button. Just witness your mind…
Question – Beloved Osho, What does it mean to Love Myself? Osho – Prem Kabir, one has to begin not by loving oneself, because you don’t know who you are.…
Question – Is it possible to become Enlightened in a Dream? Osho – Not only possible — whenever it happens, it always happens in a dream. Whatsoever you think is…
Question – Is Surrender a Learning Process or a Happening? Osho – For you, it is going to be a learning process. For me, it is a happening. If I…
Question – What is Education? Osho – Parmar, man is born as a seed. He is born as a potentiality. He is not born as an actuality. And this is…
Osho – Be courageous and drop all this nonsense. There is no hell and there is no heaven; you create your heaven and you create your hell. There is nobody…
Osho – God is not the creator, not a separate entity. God is the very creativity, the very life. So if you are against life, you are against God. Gurdjieff…
Osho – Meditation is the art of enjoying your aloneness just as love is the art of enjoying togetherness. These two things — love and meditation — are the most…
Osho – Sannyas is a quantum leap, a jump into the unknown, a great courage to become discontinuous with your own past. It is a rebirth. It is a change…
Osho – Nirdosh means innocent. Sannyas is an effort to discover your intrinsic innocence. It is not an effort to gain knowledge. The knowledgeable person is always a stupid person.…
Osho – Sahajo is the name of one of the most important woman mystics of India. There have been very few women mystics in the whole history of man for…
Question – Beloved Osho, The other day you talked so beautifully about the sadness which follows the first experience of our innermost silence. Is it necessarily so, that when I…
Osho – Lalita, you are asking me what can be more beautiful than to be in the presence of the master. Why not dissolve in the presence? To be in…
Osho – Mm mm. This will be a momentary sadness. If you want to become a mother then you want to
Osho – And do you think it is always anger or does something else hide behind it?… It is not really anger. Only on the surface does it look like…
Osho – Jesus says, “Love your enemies.” The Jewish God cannot love his enemies, so why should man? If God is incapable of loving his enemies, how can you expect…
Buddha Says : “Awake. Be the Witness of your thoughts“ Osho on above Buddha Sutra – In these simple words he has given to the world the greatest meditation: vipassana.…
Osho – The whole thing seems to be either money or sex. And everybody seems to be reducing life to be just a whorehouse. All sacredness of life is damaged.…
Osho – The basic characteristic of a Buddha, the Buddha Dhamma, his unique quality, is that he is not, that he has no attributes, that he is indefinable, that whatsoever…
Osho – The extraordinariness of a Buddha is his utter ordinariness. His ordinariness is his extraordinariness. To be ordinary is the most extraordinary thing in the world. Just the other…
Osho – It is easy to see other religions and their stupidities. It is very difficult to see your own conditioning, the religion in which you have been brought up.…