Osho – It is always energy being more in one part, less in another, that makes you feel Lopsided
Osho – Mm mm, it can be. Start doing one thing every night: sit in a chair and rest your head (Osho demonstrates, his head resting
Talks on Zen, Sufism, Upanishads, Tantra, Yoga, Sex, Love, Meditation, Career
Osho – Mm mm, it can be. Start doing one thing every night: sit in a chair and rest your head (Osho demonstrates, his head resting
Osho – My feeling is that you should complete it; and it can be
Osho – I understand the type. The only way to bring him out is not to argue with him – the first thing… not to give him any indication that…
Osho – The drug experience is a forced, phony experience, but because we don’t know the real, the phony
Osho – …because we live in a society which is absolutely
Osho – T’ai chi is very good, mm? But when the body is unburdened of repressed emotions and energy starts flowing, then T’ai Chi is just the right thing to…
Osho – This comes again and again in everybody’s life: whatsoever you are doing you get tired of, you get fed up, you get bored with it. It is very…
Osho – This is my suggestion: if you feel that you are too disturbed you can go and do whatsoever you want to do. But this is my suggestion –…
Osho – Awareness will come, witnessing will come, but you are not to do it. When you do it, you miss the whole point of it, because when you do…
Osho – Deva means divine and giresh means god of the mountains. The full name will mean: god of the divine mountains. And I am giving this name to you…
Osho – The therapist, the counsellor, has to love the patients so deeply, so totally, that in his love something starts in
Osho – That time is the time, mm? Somewhere near around forty-nine there comes a
Osho – Mm mm. Don’t wait for
Osho– Just remember one thing: keep the attitude of prayer whenever you are massaging the person… feel
Osho – I think divorce will be good and then there may be some
Osho – Anger is relevant when you are in love, anger is allowed when you are in love – you can afford anger, anger is part
Osho – It has nothing to do with your sexual energy; it has something to do with your throat, but they are connected. The first place from where a child
Osho – It is crazy in a way, and yet there is some rationale
Osho – It is always good to find something that you like – because it is your life; it should not be wasted in any way. And if you have…
Osho – Love and death are very deeply related, very deeply related – almost the same door; from one side it is love, from another side it is death. If…